Please Help Me

"This is the biggest mistake of my life."

That's the line that keeps running through my mind as I'm sitting on the bed...

A bed belonging to a man I met only an hour ago.

A man who's not my husband.

My heart is tap dancing in my chest, my hands are sweaty, a knot is twisting and untwisting in my stomach...

As I sit here waiting for this man...

...a man who's not my husband... finish up in the bathroom, open that door, look me dead in the eye...

...and ravish me like I haven't been ravished in more than three long years.

I want him to slide his hands around my hips, push me down on the bed...

And kiss me on my lips and my neck and my breasts.

Right now that's all I want - to be desired by him...

But not this man - not this stranger I barely know.

The man I really want back is my husband, the man whom I love.

My heart is pounding faster. Fingers clench and unclench, nails leaving pale crescents in the flesh of my palm.

I know now that I can't go through with this.

I can't betray my husband.

I can't ruin my marriage.

Mouth dry, a wave of nausea crashing over me, I look around this strange man's bedroom.

I feel trapped, caged.

And I try to remember how things got this bad.

How did I end up here?

How did I end up moments away from cheating on my husband, and destroying my marriage?

To explain how I find myself sitting here, on the bed of a man I met in some hotel bar, I have to rewind the clock three years...

I should introduce myself to you first though - my name's Molly, and I'm happily married to the love of my life, Henry.

Well, we were happily married - up until three years ago.

That's when everything started to change.

You see, Henry's a bit older than me.

Okay, a lot older. About seventeen years older.

Normally that never causes us any problems... in fact most of the time we never even notice the difference in our ages.

He has a secret fondness for watching the bad reality TV I'm obsessed with.

And I love how he always has to call me on the phone, instead of just sending me a text.

And as far as our relationship goes in the bedroom?

Well I don't like to kiss and tell...

But I love having an experienced man who knows his way around the bedroom...

A man who knows exactly how to push my buttons so that I'm a dripping mess in his capable hands...

And I know he loves having someone young like me that can keep up with him...

...or at least that used to be the case.

But then things start to change...

It's minor at first - instead of him bending me over the bed everyday or every other day, it starts to be only once a week.

Usually he's the one to initiate...

And I love that he wants me so badly he's always telling me how he can't control himself around me.

As things change though, I find that I'm the one initiating sex more and more often.

And even worse I'm getting turned down a lot of the time...

Until one day we realize that we haven't been intimate in three months.

When I mention it to Henry, it's like somebody just told him his dog died.

He starts apologizing to me, telling me how he didn't realize and that it's not because he's any less attracted to me.

All I can do is stare at this man that I love...

Tears welling up in my eyes as I see how different he's become from the man I married.

I reassure him that I know that it's not his fault. That I still love him no matter what.

I tell him that this is a normal thing older men go through, and that we'll figure out a solution together.

Because there are lots of older guys that still enjoy sex and are having lots of it, right?

So we just have to figure out what these guys are doing and do that too.

I start doing research into libido solutions for older guys...

And after a visit with Henry's doctor that turns up some troubling blood test panels, we decide on TRT.

According to Henry's doc, TRT, or testosterone replacement therapy, is a common treatment for older guys like my husband.

Men who have what the doctor calls "symptomatic hypogonadism."

All Henry and I are thrilled - TRT seems to be the miracle solution we've been looking for!

We can't wait to get back to waking up in the mornings together, spending hours in bed, giving each other endless pleasure...

It's been so long - and I know he's been feeling guilty, like less of a man...

So we're both ready to try whatever the doctor tells us...

Because we'll do whatever it takes to get our loving, intimate relationship back.

Only when we see the monthly TRT bill for $1,000 we both wince - but we decide it's worth it, and cut the Cancun vacation we've been planning on for months.

For seven long months Henry is on TRT. And guess what?

His testosterone goes up.

But unfortunately his drive doesn't go up - even though other things do...

Like his estrogen levels.

And also his hematocrit, his blood iron levels, and he even starts growing man-boobs!

After months of the doc assuring us that we just need to stick with it, we finally call it quits.

We decide that despite Henry's higher testosterone, TRT just isn't for us.

The side effects, the ridiculous cost every month, the minimal benefits...

TRT might be the answer for some men, but it's definitely not for Henry.

But if TRT isn't the libido fix Henry so desperately needs, then what is?

We decide that if the artificial solution is a dead end...

...then maybe what Henry needs is something natural.

So many of our friends are taking supplements and swearing by them.

We think that maybe they can help us too.

But the more I start looking into supplements, the more overwhelmed I become.

There are just so many! Ingredients with exotic sounding names like muira puama and yohimbe.

Ingredients that claim to be scientifically tested to support a healthy drive in men.

After falling down a rabbit hole trying to figure out what to get Henry, I finally throw up my hands in exasperation, head to Amazon, and buy the top-rated libido supplement.

Something called horny goat weed.

As I'm telling Henry about it I'm trying so hard not to giggle at the name.

Then I just feel bad, because the look on his face is one of complete exhaustion.

He looks like he's aged a decade in the past year and a half.

So now I'm just hoping that this horny goat weed actually works.

7,373 reviews can't be wrong after all, right?

Henry takes horny goat weed for a couple months, and...

Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

Not the slightest change to his drive.

So it seems like horny goat weed is a wash - until we get the alarming news from Henry's doc.

The horny goat weed is causing Henry's blood pressure to dip dangerously low by interacting with the blood pressure meds he's on...

So we drop horny goat weed like a hot potato - just like we did with TRT.

Next up, a friend of Henry's recommends a double combo of saw palmetto and l-arginine.

According to him, the combination of the two ingredients is supposed to be like nothing else for a man.

So despite our skepticism after horny goat weed, we decide to give it a shot.

Sure, they're not the cheapest supplements - but at least they're cheaper than TRT.

This time Henry starts feeling the effects right away...

He's getting splitting headaches. Migraines that keep him up at night.

He can't get any sleep, his work is suffering, he's snapping at me over the smallest of things.

We head back to the doctor - again - and after a panel we get the bad news...

Henry's estrogen is up.

Way up.

The look on Henry's face when he gets the results back breaks me.

Months and months of trying to fix his drive...

And not only has it continued to get worse...

Now he's also dealing with high estrogen levels, man-boobs, bad blood pressure...

Everything we're trying is just making the problem worse.

I'm at my wit's end - and so is Henry.

After this latest failure he goes into his shell.

No more silly phone calls from him.

No more watching TV together in the evening.

And of course... no sex at all.

We're barely talking. He's not touching me anymore, not even little touches on my arms.

I know he feels so alone - but so do I.

Which is how I find myself in a hotel bar one Friday night, in the skimpiest black dress that I own, with no wedding ring on my finger...

I'm turning away man after man, because even though I came here looking to feel less alone...

The only man I want is back home...

Only he doesn't want me.

Then I make eye contact with a man across the bar, and a shiver runs down my spine...

I feel a familiar warmth between my thighs - a warmth I haven't felt in years.

I'm not sure what's happening to me, except that even from across the bar I feel desired.

He walks over to me slowly, like he's not in a rush to get to me.

He's even older than my husband, but he reminds me of the man Henry used to be.

Confident, virile, magnetic.

He has an aura of sexual hunger... and I can't help but feel drawn to him.

Which is how I find myself back at his place not even an hour later, sitting on his bed, waiting for him to come out of the bathroom...

My heart tap dancing in my chest, my hands sweaty, a knot twisting and untwisting in my stomach...

I don't know where to look. I keep looking down at my hands, then back up at the curtains, the lamp, the nightstand...

My gaze freezes.

Sitting on his nightstand is a small bottle with a stallion on it.

And for some reason, without even really knowing why, I pick it up with trembling hands.

It's some sort of supplement - but not one with ingredients I've seen anywhere else.

Something, maybe my feminine intuition, tells me that this little bottle is why this man...

This man who's even older than my husband...

Acts like he has libido and sexual confidence of a 20-year-old.

And moments away from cheating on my husband, I realize something...

I can't do this.

I can't go through with this. It wouldn't just destroy Henry, it would destroy me.

It would destroy the thing I care about more than anything else in this world - our marriage.

The bathroom door rattles in the frame as the knob twists...

Frantically, I look around, grab the little bottle without even thinking about it, and run.

Run out of this strange man's house.

Run down the block barefoot, my shoes in one hand and the little bottle in the other.

I don't stop until I can't see his house anymore.

And as soon as I'm back home, the very first thing I do is boot up my computer and start trying to figure out what this little bottle is...

I don't recognize any of the ingredients on the label - shilajit, TRACCS bororganic glycine, DeHydroEpiAndrosterone...

As I look into these ingredients though I start to realize something...

All of these ingredients are about boosting libido - even though I've never seen them in any of the libido supplements that Henry ever tried!

That's right, this little bottle I'm holding in my hand is a libido supplement - but not like any I've ever seen.

Is this weird supplement why the man I almost slept with - the man who's even older than my husband...

...acted like he had the confidence and libido of a twenty year old?

I may have figured out what this little bottle is - but I need to know more.

I need to know if I can truly trust this supplement.

Finally, after going down a rabbit hole of googling, I come across a licensed physician by the name of Dr. Ari Magill M.D.

It seems like he's something of a mini celebrity in the world of men's health - he helps out tens of thousands of men with their problems.

And he prefers natural solutions, not artificial deadends like what Henry's doc recommended.

I decide to shoot him an email telling him about the little bottle I found and its weird ingredients, not expecting to hear back from him...

But not even an hour later I get a response - signed by the man himself!

Dr. Magill explains to me that Henry is likely suffering from something called PC Syndrome...

Before I could understand PC Syndrome, Dr. Magill told me I needed to understand two key facts...

The first key fact is this:

A man's libido and sexual prowess relies on healthy male androgen levels.

This means that male androgens like testosterone and DHT have to remain high for a man's libido to remain high.

Which leads Dr. Magill to the second key fact...

To keep testosterone and DHT levels high, men must keep prolactin and cortisol levels low.

Because prolactin and cortisol are what Dr. Magill calls "Libido Leeches."

They leach a man of his sexual prowess by hurting testosterone and DHT levels.

Dr. Magill says that because Henry's prolactin and cortisol levels are high, they are neutering the effectiveness of the testosterone and DHT that he does have...

So the goal is to keep prolactin and cortisol levels low.

Because if a man has high prolactin and cortisol levels, his libido and sexual prowess will undoubtedly suffer, just like Henry's...

Here's the Big Problem that Dr. Magill tells me is hurting 1,000s of men like my husband...

The big problem revolves around these two Libido Leeches -- prolactin and cortisol.

Prolactin and cortisol levels can rise in a man for many reasons:

All of these things and more can cause these two Libido Leeches to rise.

So by the time a man reaches middle age, prolactin and cortisol levels are usually very high...too high, in fact...

And when prolactin and cortisol levels are too high, a man's testosterone and DHT are being leached lower and lower...

And eventually, this man is left with no drive, no desire, no libido to speak of - which is exactly what happened to Henry.

Like Henry, begins to struggle in the bedroom with his erections, his stamina, and his confidence.

And his sexual life starts to decline, along with his health...

Dr. Magill calls this PC Syndrome, and high levels of prolactin and cortisol are often big contributors to the libido problem.

So I ask Dr. Magill - is it possible to reverse PC Syndrome and restore Henry's libido and sexual prowess?

Time for the good news... because Dr. Magill tells me the answer is probably YES!

He says that most men he talks to think that PC Syndrome is just a part of getting older...

They think it's inevitable to lose their libido and their sexual prowess...

Like Henry they think there's nothing they can do...

But he tells me there is something people like Henry and I can try  --  to stop the Libido Leeches and reverse PC Syndrome...

In fact, any man can try it, even in the privacy of his own home...

Because Dr. Magill has discovered safe, healthy ingredients that can help a man with PC Syndrome...along with a healthy lifestyle and exercise...

Many of the very same ingredients I found in that strange little bottle...

These ingredients work by supporting the body's natural healthy state -- by lowering effects from high prolactin and high cortisol levels.

And these same ingredients also work with lifestyle improvements to help boost the healthy male androgens men need to keep enjoying the libido and sexual prowess of a 20-year-old.

So I give Henry this combination of ingredients, and the transformation is incredible...

It's not instantaneous - it takes a few days for the ingredients to start having an effect...

...and to be fair, Henry did change his diet and began a new workout program...

...but all I know is that now...Henry is starting to act like a completely different man.

Or rather, he starts acting like the man he used to be BEFORE PC Syndrome...

The man I fell in love with.

Now Henry is coming up to me again, touching me, caressing me, ravishing me...

He's back to initiating, back to making me feel desired...

He's like a randy teenager again, always ready to.

I can't even wear a skirt around the house anymore without him coming from behind me and flipping it up!

This is the happiest either of us have been in years.

Thank you, Dr. Magill! Thank you for saving my marriage!

This combination of ingredients Dr. Magill discovered returned the passion and excitement to my marriage...

Here's everything Dr. Magill told me about these 10 pro-male ingredients...

Ascorbyl palmitate

The first ingredient is a "Super C" type of vitamin C that is fat-soluble, making it more potent with longer-lasting effects.

Studies show that vitamin C can help keep cortisol levels low by decreasing stress reactivity in the body. 

It's an important nutrient for the synthesis of hormones men need for a healthy sex drive and it's been shown to help boost libido this way.

For instance, Biological Psychiatry found it results in more sexual activity -- participants in the study went from having sex 4 times a month to 14 times a month.

And in another study, men who supplemented with enough vitamin C greatly improved their semen output.

So Molly's strange little supplement has just the right amount of this special form of vitamin C to help promote healthy male androgen levels and better sexual health.

B6 P5P

The next ingredient is B6 P5P, a special active form of vitamin B6 that may help lower prolactin levels in men.

Studies also show it can raise dopamine levels, which in turn can lower cortisol levels.

And when prolactin and cortisol levels are low, men can avoid PC Syndrome and instead enjoy the libido and sexual prowess of a 20-year-old again.

Zinc gluconate

Testosterone is one of the important male androgens men need in good supply for a high sex drive and great performance in the bedroom.

And zinc helps raise natural testosterone levels in men!

Zinc also inhibits prolactin production, meaning it stops the body from making too much.

And to make it even more beneficial to men, zinc also helps the body release excess cortisol and prevents cortisol from increasing.

In these ways, zinc may help men reverse and prevent PC Syndrome...


Shilajit has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for hundreds of years and has many pro-libido effects.

I had to look high and low for a supplier of high quality Shilajit, because so many shalajits are high in heavy metals.

The one we are using has less than .5ppm of mercury, lead, and cadmium among other heavy metals...making it very safe. And it tests at over 20% fulvic acid content!

This low heavy metal shilajit that I am using is known as an adaptogen, meaning it can help counteract the Libido Leeches and stimulate sexual function.

In one study, men between the ages of 45 and 55 were given Shilajit and had significantly higher testosterone levels after just 90 days.

Shilajit also improves energy levels which can help a man build more sexual energy and more stamina.

And in this way, it may also help men suffering from premature ejaculation.

Eurycoma longifolia

Another key ingredient in this breakthrough solution to PC Syndrome is eurycoma longifolia, an herb that acts as a natural aromatase inhibitor.

This means that it helps stop the conversion of testosterone into estrogen -- a great thing for men who want a high drive and proper male function.

Eurycoma longifolia also helps improve libido by lowering prolactin and cortisol levels.

It's extremely potent in small amounts, so a little goes a long way.


DeHydroEpiAndrosterone is one of the important male androgens men need to enjoy the libido and sexual prowess of a 20-year-old.

A very small dose of DeHydroEpiAndrosterone can help replenish healthy androgen levels.

Just this small amount can help the body naturally create enough on its own, along with other healthy male androgens like testosterone and DHT.

And the result is that with all that you are doing -- getting good exercise, spending time outdoors in the sun, enjoying time with one you love...

You're feeling more sexually energetic, with the libido you remember having as a young, virile man.


Pregnenolone is another important male androgen men need for good sexual health.

And like eurycoma longifolia, pregnenolone is an aromatase inhibitor, so it helps keep testosterone high and estrogen low.

And we know that the more testosterone a man has, the better his libido will be.

Allium sativum

This organic compound found in garlic has been shown to increase blood flow to a man's sexual organs.

And this extra blood flow can stimulate libido and make men more aroused.

Allium sativum also helps lower serotonin levels, which in turn may support healthy semen levels.

And as an added bonus, this ingredient was shown to reverse erectile dysfunction in rats.

Zingiber officinale

This form of ginger is a well-known synergistic herb that helps increase the effectiveness of other herbs.

So that's a big reason why it's included -- to make all the other ingredients work better together.

It's also a great circulatory supplement with energizing effects.

Zingiber officinale can even improve semen quality by helping raise testosterone and other important male androgens.

TRACCS bororganic glycine

And last but certainly not least, I included a hard-to-find natural ingredient called bororganic glycine.

This ingredient is a special form of boron that is well metabolized.

It is thought to boost libido by boosting testosterone in men.

And it's also helpful in regulating all androgen levels, so hormones like cortisol and prolactin stay low while good hormones like testosterone and DHT remain high.

That's why this special type of boron is an essential ingredient.

And all combined, these 10 pro-male ingredients create one powerful supplement for men...

Introducing Urgent Libido Assist:

Manly Help for Manly Men

Urgent Libido Assist is a safe, healthy supplement that Dr. Magill designed to protect men from PC Syndrome.

It contains a unique combination of high-quality ingredients that work together to help keep the two Libido Leeches low -- prolactin and cortisol.

And in this way, working with what you are already doing to improve diet, exercise, and sexual activity...

...Urgent Libido Assist helps boost the healthy male androgens men need to continue enjoying the libido and sexual prowess of a 20-year-old.

And every ingredient is healthy and safe for most men.

How to Prepare Your Body for Maximum Benefit

Urgent Libido Assist can be very strong in its effects.

Just like a racecar needs special fuel and handling, men taking Urgent Libido Assist want to be sure to get the right food for their bodies.

I'm talking about eating more calories, more carbs, more calcium, and cutting out harmful polyunsaturated fats.

Also getting plenty of non-stressful exercise, spending time in nature, and getting adequate sunlight can be crucial. Good levels of vitamins such as D3 are very important.

This is the way to get the most out of Urgent Libido Assist.

Best of all, Urgent Libido Assist is from Ideal Male Labs...

Ideal Male Labs was founded with the vision of helping men improve their lives, and live healthier and hopefully longer lives...

...with better satisfaction and performance in the bedroom...

Our Beliefs: The Four Core

1. We believe in the body's natural healing power, the wisdom of the body.
2. We believe that supplements pure and natural can assist men in living their best.
3. We believe in using the finest most pure products possible.
4. We believe in helping men live long and live well, so they can hopefully avoid any need for medical care at all.

Frankly, I don't know any other supplement like Urgent Libido Assist.

In order to maintain purity and quality, we have Urgent Libido Assist made in a limited run in a 100,000 square-foot FDA-approved facility with every single capsule containing only the ingredients we say it does.

Why do I make a big deal out of this?

Because so many people that package supplements add all sorts of harmful excipients and additional ingredients in their formulations.

I think these are impurities and these may actually be harmful. They are called excipients.

And I think that I would prefer to take a product that does not have unnecessary and harmful excipients.

So I did not include them in Urgent Libido Assist other than magnesium stearate which I think is quite benign.

Doctor Recommended:

"As a medical doctor, I took an oath and I believe this oath is a solemn pact to help men stay young, healthy, and virile. And -- I think I speak for all men here -- maintaining my God-given sexual abilities as I age is one of the most important things I care about. That's why I love Urgent Libido Assist and recommend it to so many men.

I personally hand-picked each and every ingredient for Urgent Libido Assist, only choosing the highest-quality ingredients in the correct quantities and proportions for maximum effectiveness, and they're free of anything harmful you don't want in your body. This supplement is truly one-of-a-kind and cannot be bought anywhere else. I believe in this supplement so much that I've signed on to help spread the word to as many men as possible.

And today, I'm sharing with you a very special introductory offer..."

3 bottles of Gut Reg

Very Special Introductory Offer Today -- Up to 58% Off

A high libido and good sexual function depend on healthy male androgen levels.

And now you understand why I consider Urgent Libido Assist to be simply essential for healthy male male androgen levels...

...and to keep men feeling young and confident in the bedroom...

1. Urgent Libido Assist helps address the big problem of PC Syndrome -- where the two Libido Leeches, prolactin and cortisol, get too high and leach a man of his sexual energy and his drive.

2. These same powerful ingredients in Urgent Libido Assist along with a healthy lifestyle can also help boost healthy male androgens like testosterone and DHT that men need to keep enjoying the libido and sexual prowess of a 20-year-old.

There's nothing else like it, and because you can feel how fast and how well it works, you'll soon agree that it's worth every penny at its regular price.

However, right now you can get Urgent Libido Assist for as low as $39 a bottle with our best money-saving package!

That's an amazing savings of up to 60% off, and we guarantee it's the lowest price anywhere.

(We cannot, however, guarantee this special price will be available after today. So, if interested, please order yours ASAP!)

PLUS 3 Bonuses Worth Over $137

Free Shipping 1. FREE ShippingEnjoy free U.S. ground shipping straight to your door. You can track the status of your order any time (you will receive tracking information once your order ships).
Free Coaching 2. FREE Coaching You'll get live, personalized coaching from our health research team, as well as instant access to our inspiring, supportive community of men with goals like yours – free for life!
6 Foods Destroying Your Gut Lining ebook 3. FREE New e-Report: FREE New e-Report: The Length and Girth Secret Discover the length and girth secret that lets any man safely achieve his natural maximum size down there...without pills, pumps, or procedures...

With Ideal Male Labs, you're always protected by our 60-day money-back guarantee.

If for any reason you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can get a full and immediate refund even on empty bottles, up to 60 days after securing your order today.

Order Your Urgent Libido Assist Now ↓↓↓

With Urgent Libido Assist, you're getting...

How Much Should I Order?

Includes 3 free gifts

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much should I buy today?

This special sale is only available for a limited time, so it makes sense to stock up now, especially considering this is the lowest price on Urgent Libido Assist you'll find anywhere.

And you should know, Urgent Libido Assist can't be found in the store like other supplements. It's exclusively made my Ideal Male Labs, a highly reputable company that formulates every bottle with care and precision.

And just to warn you, we were only able to make 5,000 bottles of Urgent Libido Assist right now because of the expense and they are going very fast...

Last time we had a product like this, it sold out and men were disappointed for months afterwards.

It takes a good 10 weeks to get this made, and it's constantly sold out...and I don't want you to miss out on a whole new world of sexual opportunities...

With all that in mind, we highly recommend stocking up and saving more today with our 3- or 6-bottle options.

Q: What specifically makes Urgent Libido Assist the best supplement of its kind?

Urgent Libido Assist was thoughtfully formulated for men with a unique combination of pro-male ingredients to help protect against PC Syndrome.

Along with a healthy diet and balanced lifestyle, it helps promote the androgens men need to keep enjoying the libido and sexual prowess of a 20-year-old.

And unlike other supplements, Urgent Libido Assist does not contain any excipients other than magnesium stearate which I feel is quite benign. So it only contains ingredients that I feel safe using and that are good for men.

Plus, here are 11 guarantees that come with Urgent Libido Assist that you won't find anywhere else...


Ways We Guarantee the High Quality of

Urgent Libido Assist

I’m sure you’ve heard of vitamins, herbs, and other nutritional products that flunked lab tests. Here at Ideal Male Labs, we guarantee that NEVER happens.

In fact, our manufacturing process guarantees purity, potency, and quality in 11 different ways:

We use suppliers that test each lot they give us for purity and safety -- with a Certificate of Analysis by a prominent well-know lab.

We manufacture in a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified facility that gets regular inspections.

We test every ingredient before we use it.

Batches of our products have multiple quality checking processes in place and are shipped and stored in qualified facilities.

Every batch is tested for microbes including mold, yeast, staph, and salmonella -- along with heavy metals including lead, mercury, and arsenic.

Whenever possible, we source materials from U.S., UK, or European suppliers.

We test for the presence of key ingredients in the correct quantities on every batch we make.

We pay special attention to details such as capsule types and bottle materials and packaging -- for maximum safety and shelf life.

We avoid harmful excipients that our competitors have in their supplements, and we use non-GMO whenever possible.

We never conduct animal testing of any kind.

We use ingredients that we’ve determined are effective by scientific studies.

Q: What are the ingredients and amounts used in the formula?

Q: What is the best way to use Urgent Libido Assist?

Urgent Libido Assist offers optimal absorption and long-lasting benefits, so you only need one serving a day, unlike some other formulas.

Q: How long will a bottle of Urgent Libido Assist last?

One bottle will last you for a whole month.

Q: Does this supplement contain any caffeine or other stimulants?

No. This supplement is caffeine- and stimulant-free.

Q: Are there any allergy concerns with this supplement?

Like every Ideal Male Labs product, Urgent Libido Assist is made with natural ingredients.

It is manufactured in a facility that also processes milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat and soy.

Urgent Libido Assist is manufactured in a GMP-certified facility and undergoes 3rd party testing to ensure purity, potency and safety.

If you have any concerns, consult your health-care practitioner.

Q: If I have a medical condition, can I take Urgent Libido Assist?

Urgent Libido Assist is intended for use by healthy men over 18 years old.

Please consult your physician before use if you are taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications or being treated for any medical condition.

If you experience any adverse reaction to this product, please consult your physician.

Q: Is it safe to order online from your website?

Yes. We use a 256-bit secure ordering server so you are protected the same as if you were ordering from or any other trusted Web site.

Q: What if this supplement doesn't work for me?

If for any reason at all you are unsatisfied with your purchase, just let us know, and we will issue a prompt and courteous refund even on empty bottles.

You're always protected by our industry best 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.

PLUS 3 Bonuses Worth Over $137

Free Shipping 1. FREE ShippingEnjoy free U.S. ground shipping straight to your door. You can track the status of your order any time (you will receive tracking information once your order ships).
Free Coaching 2. FREE Coaching You'll get live, personalized coaching from our health research team, as well as instant access to our inspiring, supportive community of men with goals like yours – free for life!
6 Foods Destroying Your Gut Lining ebook 3. FREE New e-Report: FREE New e-Report: The Length and Girth Secret Discover the length and girth secret that lets any man safely achieve his natural maximum size down there...without pills, pumps, or procedures...

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Hyperprolactinemia and erectile dysfunction
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